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this game is great, so funny :D

hey can you make for windows 32-bit?

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We don't have a 32 bit build on due to technical reasons. You can however get a 32 bit build on Steam

when you will release the full game i am waiting for it for so long....its in my steam wishlist and everyday i just check whether its released or not.....please at least tell me the approximate time after which it will be released...

una pregunta, el juego completo va a tener modo online?

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callao lacra

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Dear Devs,

Is there any planned release date for the full version? I can't wait. Played prologue with friend and it was GREAT!

Thanks for your kind words :). Not release date yet! We're working on it in our spare time, so it's hard to give a planning. You can subscribe to our news letter to stay up to date:

Already subscribed, can't wait for that! Thank you for quick reply!

Mikel Fick and Ramon Van, I must thank you for your work, I really enjoyed the demo prologue and I sincerely wanted to keep playing! I downloaded the demo a while ago, but I didn't have time to play it until now (March 13, 2020). The game is very intuitive, the graphics are incredible (Within what it offers, of course) And if it's very entertaining, perfect for burn some fun :) The Skeleton Boss was hard to kill, I figured since the game gave you the option to play with someone else, I thought this Boss was made for two players, but in the end it could. I look forward to the full game, I have a YouTube channel called THECATGO, and if the finished game exceeds my expectations, I will not hesitate to give it a bit of publicity in a video.

My Requests and advice (if any have already implemented it Forget it)

1.- That the game is also in Spanish (My mother tongue is Spanish and it would be great if it were)

2.- That the character has more animations and fighting skills. They would be giving the puppet more life and expanding the controls.

3.- It would also be nice if we as players could customize our appearance. Although I think they will not take that into account because the game has a history and follows the blond protagonist.

4.- That the enemies drop more coins, I did not have enough to compare better weapons and powers to face the Skeleton Boss :(

That's all for now :)

A few requests / suggestions that should be fairly easy to implement.

1. Please provide an option to toggle the hud off. 

2. Please provide an option to zoom in and move the viewing area down (so that the gameplay feels more centered like the preview videos on

3. The game feels a little too difficult.   The boss battle in particular dragged on too long.  Please provide difficulty options.  On average, the enemies feel about 4 times too strong.  So, if there were an easy mode where the weapons were stronger or the enemies were weaker (or both), that would be fantastic.

4.  Please give an option to remove the stamina / wait for using the bow and arrow repeatedly.

5. Please let players skip cutscenes.

6. The jump feels incredibly weak, often causing me to miss jumps.  To compensate, I have to double jump every time.  Please make the default jump about 30% - 50% higher (but, still also include the double jump).

Hi. Thanks for your suggestions. We're not changing the prologue anymore, as we're fully focussed on working on the full game. Some things (like skipping cutcenes) will likely be included, other things (such as jump distance) are a matter of personal preference, of which the current setting suits best our vision for the game. Hope this keeps you excited :) 

aaww man im so excited for the full game now

loved the concept, if i were to give suggestions the only one would be  about the running section (where the cave is collapsing) i got stuck in it because one of the pillars kept falling on my head and making me teleport through the floor

Very good game, will be waiting for the full release

Thanks, that's great to hear! We're taking your suggestion on board for the full game.

I really like the fighting and the hidden areas with the money because I liked the weapon designs and needed some for the one i wanted i also the the platforming element and the puzzles. The story sound like it is going to be good i cant wait to see what you do with the full game

Really good game 10/10

is unsung warriors full buy or free? because i want the full free

Very Dope! Keep up the great work.

Amazing demo !!!

Wooooowwwww I CANNOT wait to play this on my couch later!! (at work lol)

I Loooveeed

Very good, i need to continue...

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his looks like a fun game just downloading now and when i get and play i tell you what i think tommorow!


Why I can't turn on the game ?? D;

I'm just in love with this game. Any idea about the release date of the full content?

We hope to release for Early Access somewhere in 2019 or 2020!

This is such a wonderfully old school game with modern attention to detail. Great controls, love the overall design from the stages to the characters, enemies and animation. Couch co-op deserves some attention so I'm thrilled you kept it in mind. I didn't feature Unsung in full in my list since I didn't have more play time with it to talk about all of the features, weapons and abilities, etc. but I did use a little bit of footage. Good luck with all of your future updates and any new games down the line! 

Congratulations, this game is amazing, the graphics are stunning, the music is great, the game has a very solid core concept. It is really hard to master you character but the combat system (and overall character control) is very responsive and polished, I really enjoy this part. Also, the game features some puzzles, that are not underdevelopped. No lags, no ennoying bugs found. Only downside is that the camera feels a little bit wobbly sometimes on solo, but it may be because I am playing on a bad PC. As a game dev too, I can say only one thing : great job, I love this game.

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Fantastic game, playing with my son.

Best side scroller I have played in years. Cannot wait for the full game.

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Great Game!!! I can't wait!

Really fun game. The visuals look incredible. However I have an issue with controls. I am on linux with a ps3 controler. The controler be defult has pause and menu set to the bumpers and sword is Y and arrow is X, and it wont let me rebind bow to Y. But besides that its awesome, can't wait to play the full game : )

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Hi, thanks for your kind words! For our controllers, we're using an external package called Rewired. On their list of supported controllers, I see PS3 is only supported on bluetooth using a driver. Hope that helps! Also note that we're not affiliated with that driver, so know what you're doing!

I do make a german test video of the game, have a look guys :) Deutsches Angezockt, schaut mal rein leute.

this is a well made and fun game, please keep it up, i'll definitely be waiting for it in steam for the release, also i m interested to see boss fights for other levels!

Love your game. Note 10 of 10.

Unsung Warriors at 25:40.

Any date for the full game?

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We aim to release (in Early Access) somewhere in 2019 or 2020! We have created a mailing list where you'll receive a reminder if the game goes for sale or crowdfunding. We won't use that mailing list for any other purpose.

Hello! I wanted to play this wonderful looking game, the problem is, that it says that my PC isnt compatible but its windows 10 and 64 bits. Have you got any help?

That's odd. It should work. Are you using the itch client or are you downloading it directly? Where do you get the message that your PC isn't compatible?

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I'm openopening it in the itch app and the itch app gives me the error. How can i solve the problem?

Not really clear to me what the error is. Can you send a screenshot via mail ( You can also try to download the game directly from the, website, to see if that mitigates the problem.

Hey I would do that but the problem is that I'm from Germany. Also thx for a quick reply!

man the game is amazing i already backed the project just amazing

Thank you so much!

Hello Unsung Warriors Community

My name is Atreyo, and I've recently started a Let's Play Channel called Pichhkari. The first game I chose to play was Unsung Warriors Prologue! I would love for you guys to check it out, push it forward so that more people can see how much fun the gameplay is! I would love to hear feedback from you guys as well. The things you liked, the things you feel I'm making a mistake with. Everything!

Here's the link -


it doesn't run on Ubuntu 18.04.1 :( 

love this game!


Pretty Good


Good game...

My best video yet. Please enjoy. 


played this for hours getting all the secrets and weapons an amazing game, and so far my fav game ive ever gotten from keep up the great work and i cant wait to play the final product. 

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Thanks! If you want to stay up to date or even be involved in the creation of the full game, please support our Kickstarter campaign!

will do


No 32 bits version? u-u

We use an automated mechanism to update our builds, which unfortunately doesn't allow for a distinction between 32 and 64 bit for Windows. On Steam and Gamejolt a 32bit version is available.

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